Fat Chance


Fat Chance: Surviving the Cholesterol Controversy and Beyond, 284 pp.

Dietary recommendations from the AMA and the AHA to lower cholesterol do not work. Doctors then put you on cholesterol-lowering drugs that do. But these people still get heart attacks! More than 2500 Americans still die EVERY DAY from cardiovascular disease. Why? Fats and oils come in two varieties, healthy and deadly. Most people are totally unaware of this difference. Nevertheless, fats and oils are so important that the kind we eat, and the way we use them, determines whether we will be healthy or lapse into chronic degenerative disease, heart problems, and cancer. Continued in additional info…

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Fat Chance: Surviving the Cholesterol Controversy and Beyond, 284 pp.

Dietary recommendations from the AMA and the AHA to lower cholesterol do not work. Doctors then put you on cholesterol-lowering drugs that do. But these people still get heart attacks! More than 2500 Americans still die EVERY DAY from cardiovascular disease. Why? Fats and oils come in two varieties, healthy and deadly. Most people are totally unaware of this difference. Nevertheless, fats and oils are so important that the kind we eat, and the way we use them, determines whether we will be healthy or lapse into chronic degenerative disease, heart problems, and cancer. Continued in additional info…

Fat Chance: Surviving the Cholesterol Controversy and Beyond, 284 pp.

Dietary recommendations from the AMA and the AHA to lower cholesterol do not work. Doctors then put you on cholesterol-lowering drugs that do. But these people still get heart attacks! More than 2500 Americans still die EVERY DAY from cardiovascular disease. Why? Fats and oils come in two varieties, healthy and deadly. Most people are totally unaware of this difference. Nevertheless, fats and oils are so important that the kind we eat, and the way we use them, determines whether we will be healthy or lapse into chronic degenerative disease, heart problems, and cancer. Continued in additional info…

Unfortunately, the misinformation and confusion concerning fats and oils and the terms used for them keep the public in the dark about the immense value of healthy fats and oils and the grave danger of the ones that kill. Terms like triglycerides, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol, essential fatty acids (including the omega 3s and 6s), and trans-fats are often used with limited understanding and leave us powerless to make the positive health changes we deserve. The medical establishment offers guidelines that do nothing but lead us to pharmaceutical dependency. The FDA allows industry to mislead the consumer through deceptive labeling practices that conceal the dangers of their products. Furthermore, few people know that conventional cholesterol theory is unproven and ignores many studies indicating that low cholesterol often presents a greater risk for heart disease than high cholesterol.

Those who really want to be healthy should not rely on the establishment to protect them and their loved ones. They should find out how to use fats and oils for themselves. Understanding Fats, Oils, and Cholesterol demystifies the terms and explains how to navigate through the falsifications. Finally, this book will provide the following simple solutions:

How to tell when HIGH cholesterol is really a problem

How to tell when LOW cholesterol is the problem

Why conventional dietary practices FAIL to regulate cholesterol

Why saturated fatty acids are NOT implicated in heart disease

Why the Mediterranean diet fails to solve the modern health crisis

How to regulate cholesterol levels NATURALLY without drugs

"Fat Chance" integrates eastern and western understanding of health into a unified perspective. Acupuncturists know that Liver conditions adversely affect more organs and tissues in the body than any other condition. Good fats and oils nourish the Liver while bad fats and oils create pathological Liver conditions that create havoc throughout the Body/Mind. Learning about good and bad quality fats and oils will teach you more about taking care of your health than any other single thing you can do.

284 pages; 125 illustrations including 36 tables, 45 figures, and 44 pie charts.

Dennis Willmont has been practicing acupuncture, Taijiquan and Daoist meditation over thirty years. In the early 1980s, Mr. Willmont created and directed the first professional program of Shiatsu and Acupressure Therapy in North America. His unique blend of scholarship and intuition has led to the formation of a multi-volume series on the energetics and Body/Mind/Spirit connection in ancient acupuncture. Dennis uses natural foods, essential oils, and Chinese herbs in his acupuncture practice in Marshfield, Massachusetts.


Table of Contents

Dietary Fats and Oils 1

Definition 1

Lipids 3

Fatty Acids 3

The Sterols 8

The Phospholipids 11

The Triglycerides 12

Essential Fatty Acids 20

Yin-Yang Fatty Acid Perspective 28

Fats and Oils in Chinese Medicine 37

Yin-Yang 37

Liver Correlations 42

Coronary Artery Disease and Cholesterol 51

Medical Studies 51

Prevention of Unnecessary Heart Surgeries 53

Angiograms 53

Bypass Surgery 55

Angioplasty 56

Cholesterol Theory and Coronary Artery Disease 57

Serum Cholesterol 58


The Cholesterol Controversy 62

CAD is Unrelated to Cholesterol Levels 62

Undesirable Side-Effects 64

Failure to Prove the Cholesterol Connection 66

Politics Betrays Science 68

Doctors, Professors, and Nutritionists Speak Out 69

Angioplasty 56

Reviewing the Cholsterol Trials 72

Pre-Formulated Agenda 73

Biased Control Groups 73

Conclusions Contrary to Findings 74

Exaggerated Figures 75

Ignoring Contradictory Studies 79

Promotion Before Consensus 80

Historical Landmarks in the Cholesterol Campaign 82

Stress and the Spirit of the Human Heart 87

Problems with Saturated Fat 89

SaFAs and Cholesterol 89

A Relative Perspective 91

Nutritional Causes of CAD 93

Free Radicals and Oxidation 93

Chronic Infection 94

Oil Production 105

The Extraction and Pressing Process 105

Cold Pressed 105

Solvent Extraction 107

The Refining Process 108

Refining 108

Bleaching 108

Degumming 109

Deodorizing 109

Enriching 110

Fractionation and Transesterification 110

Hydrogenation and the Trans-fatty Acids 111

Partial Hydrogenation 115

Hydrogenation Politics 116

By-Products Creating Disease and Degeneration 116

Free Radicals 116

Antioxidants 118

Olive Oil Processing 118

Grades 107

Food and Cooking 123

Nutrients 123

Cooking Methods 124

The Sixty Second Interval 127

Special Oils 129

Yang Within Yin: Medium-Chain SaFAs 129

Coconut Oil 129

Yang Within Yang: Principal Omega 3 Sources 137

Krill Oil 137

Fish Oil 146

Sardine Oil 148

Cod Liver Oil 148

Cod Fish Oil 148

Salmon (Wild) 149

Salmon (Farmed) 149

Flaxseed Oil 149

Hempseed Oil 151

Oils For Conversion Deficiencies 155

Black Currant Seed Oil 155

Borage Oil 155

Evening Primrose Oil 156

Other Edible Oil Sources 165

Fats and Oils in Vegetables 165

Almond Oil 165

Apricot Kernel Oil 165

Calendula Oil 165

Canola Oil 166

Cottonseed Oil 169

Foraha Oil 169

Grape Seed Oil 170

Jojoba Oil 174

Macadamia Oil 174

Olive Oil 175

Peanut Oil 177

Pumpkinseed Oil 177

Rapeseed Oil 178

Rice Bran Oil 178

Safflower Oil 179

Sesame Oil 179

Soybean Oil 179

Sunflower Seed Oil 180

Walnut Oil 180

Wheat Germ Oil 181

Oils in Nuts, Seeds, and Fruits

Avocado Oil Oil 181

Cashew Nuts 181

Chia Seeds 182

Pecans 182

Pine Nuts 182

Pistacios 182

Fats and Oils in Animals 183

Milk 183

Butter 183

Eggs 184

Chicken Thigh 184

Chicken Breast 184

Pork 185

Lamb 185

Beef 185

Lard 185

Good Oils, Bad Oils: What to Use, What to Avoid 187

General Principles 187

The Seven Categories 187


Daily Practice 191

Correction Stage 191

Conversion Deficiencies 191

EFA Maintenance 192

Strategies in Choosing Oils for Long-Term Use 194

Balancing the Omega 3/Omega 6 Ratio 198

Re-Evaluating Cholesterol 201

Natural Cholesterol Regulation 203

Yin and Yang 205

Cholesterol Regulation From the Peripheral Tissues 207

Cholesterol Regulation with Normal LIver Qi 212

Cholesterol Regulation from Pathological Liver Qi 213

Causes of Cholesterol Imbalance 218

Summation 220

Phytosterol Therapy 222

Treatable Conditions 225

General Strategies 225

Acupuncture Orientation 225

Edible Oil Orientation 228

Psycho-Emotional Disorders 229

Immune Disorders 231

Skin Disorders 231

Musculo-Skeletal Disorders 234

Brain Disorders 235

Eye Disorders 235

Digestive Disorders 236

Obesity Revisited 237

Female Reproductive Disorders 242

Glossary of Abbreviations 243

Glossary of Fatty Acid Profiles 251

References 257

Index 259

Endnotes 267

Many Paths, One Center
The Daodejing, Daoism, and the Restoration of Humanity in the Asian Healing Arts: With Translation and Commentary on the Text
The Twelve Spiritpoints of Acupuncture
The Daodejing Companion
Five Phase Modular System